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Career and Technical Education (CTE) prepares students for the world of work by introducing them to workplace competencies, and makes academic content accessible to students by providing it in a hands-on context. Wells ISD provides four CTE Endorsement Programs of Studies that will better prepare our students for the workplace or to continue their education.






Distinguished Level of Achievement

The Distinguished Level of Achievement opens a world of educational and employment opportunities for the student beyond high school. Earning the Distinguished Level of Achievement requires more math and more science than the Foundation High School Program.

The Distinguished Level of Achievement (DLA) will:

-Allow a student to compete for Top 10% automatic admissions eligibility at any Texas public university, except University of Texas, which has more stringent admission requirements.

-Ensure the student is more competitive applicant at the most selective colleges and universities.

The Distinguished Level of Achievement Requires: 

-A total of 26 graduation credits

-Algebra II

-Successful completion of at least one endorsement in the student’s area of interest



Students will be able to earn one or more endorsements as part of their graduation requirements. Endorsements consist of a related series of courses that are grouped together by interest or skill set. They provide students with in-depth knowledge of a subject area and the opportunity to earn a Certification.

Students must select an endoresement in the ninth grade. 


health science


Industry-based certifications (IBC) are a validation that an individual possess certain industry specific skills. Each IBC is related to a career cluster or occupation and measured against a set of accepted standards. Each of Wells ISD’s four Programs of Study offer an Industry Based Certification. A student may earn a performance acknowledgment on their student’s diploma and transcript for earning in nationally or internationally recognized business or industry certification or license with:

-Performance on an examination or series of examinations sufficient to obtain a nationally or internationally recognized business or industry certification or

-Performance on an examination or series of examinations sufficient to obtain a government required credential to practice a profession.




The three Industry-based certifications available through Wells ISD are: Early College, AWS (welding), and Patient Care Technician



The following pages are each of the Programs of Study that your student could choose from with courses in order.

The bottom information on each page lists the Certifications, Careers and expanded learning opportunities.








Career and Technical Education Team

If you need further info. you may contact any of the CTE team.


Principal: Amanda Wilcox:

Counselor: Tiffany Smith:

Healthcare Diagnostics: Caley Wankan:

Applied Agricultureal Engineering:  Jake Smith:, Lindsey Smith:

CTE Chair: Amanda Wilcox:














Melissa Bordelon

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CTE Teachers

Melissa Bordelon: Visual Arts,

Caley Wankan: Health Science,

Jake Smith: AG,

Lindsey Smith: AG,

Tiffany Smith: Counselor/Dual Credit,

Amanda Wilcox: CTE Chair,



Visit Wells ISD, Departments, CTE

to learn more about our Programs of Study!


Want to join the Art club? Sign up deadline is Oct. 3 each year!

Join FFA today! Contact Jake Smith or Lindsey Smith.

Melissa Bordelon

Upcoming Events

Contact Melissa Bordelon

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